News & Updates

A Message from the Manager

Our new manager brings years of experience to bring new energy to the theater.  Meet our new manager:

“The common denominator with my childhood dreams and my new position as the Manager of the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts is creativity. I have always enjoyed creating and am happiest when I create something wonderful. To date, I have spent over 18 years creating ways to bring the arts to different communities around the country.

As we reflect on where we have been, and look to the continuing significance of the BCPA, I am optimistic and energized by the work to come.

Our ability to create and execute such programs is due in large part to the generous support of our friends, patrons, and donors. Excellence breeds excellence, and in our case it is true. Our community sees the success of the BCPA, the satisfaction experienced by our donors, advertisers, and sponsors, and wants to be a part of something wonderful.   As we continue to grow in a variety of positive ways, we hope to see all of you at our events in the coming year.

Creating special experiences is what we do every day at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts. Making the arts accessible and meaningful is our day-to-day mission. Support from our patrons is essential for our long term stability and vitality. Whether you are a current Friend of the BCPA or Arts Partner ready to renew your support, or you are a frequent attendee, please don’t let the year end without making a contribution.

Only through your energy, interest, and enthusiasm can we succeed in our effort to be creative in bringing the arts to you, our friends. “– James Mack, Manager of the BCPA

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